On considering a glorious future
Why do people, again and again, fail to understand how import is stochastic momentum in terms of how much we can use the same resources to create a better world. This is why energy demand increases when we try to make things better. It’s not a matter of whether we are good or bad, climate change is consequences not punishment. And all of life is in form chaos and opposes structure.
Your comment made to a friend; room is a mess and the washing machine broke down and not as a result, “no of your tardiness”, but because that is how the universe works is your best explanation. The law that controls everything does favour such degradation, which means the moments of perfect harmony are breathtaking when they occur. To be cherished and like the chance of this pale blue dot existing a miracle.
Alas all perfection is fleeting and soon scattered throughout the universe, broken down as soon as possible, and the fact is hard for the mind, but there is an irreversible decline. This is the teaching of the second law of thermodynamics. I believe we become happier when we learn to live with it.
Your imperfections are amazing because they are truth. When you tune into the natural music, you sing the song of life and no longer fight against the ageing. It must come. But just live in the moment and then you will always remember the joy you feel in the world. Because as I ponder this glorious journey. And I speculate on how we might do something to save the pale blue dot. And I think about the past and the future. I only have this opportunity to do so. This moment. It’s acts on my thoughts and modifies the likelihood that is from my experience. I act on what is the situation right now. My actions follow. This is the model of living.
Experience is the divine hand that guides but the situation decides actions. Not just your own experience but that of your ancestors influences what you do, but to survive, you must adapt and learn from what chaos erupts. Yet the action you take depends upon the last action and no other.
The longboat glides on the still water. Warriors are in the midst of the gentle and steady winds, making their way toward the church. Where monks quietly pray. On the altar are candles and they are held upright in silver sticks. The invaders like them. There worth a pretty penny. An hour passes. Screaming and yelling and crying. Bloody and awful chaos again ruined the whole day. These horrible at times. But that is what Viking people do and no pray saved a pious soul from their wrath.
We are the Viking descendants. I know I am. Other Ethnic groups are moulded by our violence. Proven over time to by the most successful behaviour. And unleashing violence and chaos is easier than keeping order. That takes energy. That is how the universe works good outcomes requires the turbulent nature. And evolution works in that cruel way and favour those who understand the way of the universe.
By trail and error you find a solution if pushed. A social group is quickly experimenting, when under threat, finds a solution that works and can win a battle. While those who lose fad away. Finding different ways to win. That is what is remembered. Following natural selection and you find endless battles. Hardest thing is survival and to get the best results we stage social behaviour that is embedded in the DNA code. Essence of individual is weak and essence of humanity strong and is passed through breeding. It may not be in your head. If you prefer your own opinion. That voice is so used today but our species cannot survive it. When you return to the human essence and find without following the characteristics of the universe is death. Too much energy is lost in creating your order. Find eternal life.
Draw blood from English and there is the Viking. Their DNA, as the Norman variant arguably, a more powerful one. Who else but the Viking would have the drive, they created the British empire and, that’s what do and they continue. It is again voyaging and out conquering today. The Viking DNA that is and why the baton was passed across the Atlantic to those warriors and cousin of the blood the Americans is, a matter of resources.
However, a DNA theory of history, you may say, robs the bad people of their influence and robs the individual demagogue of responsibility (we do not need to mention the usual suspects- those mere instruments of DNA will) and without them to blame we collectively must accept it. Which may be the reason why my historical thesis is one without resounding support, who likes to face truth, much less the colour of blood or lack of free will. We are in the hands of nature.
In my imagination one must simplify the last thousand years of history. I am defining it as one continuous Viking conquest of the world. Because it is. The facts are there and clearly history has been driven by the Viking DNA (the seed) and that runs in the blood of many of us.
My ancestors successfully held a corner of Southern Ireland after participating in the conquest. That is what we do, conquer and assimilate and spread the seed. More Irish than the Irish, they said of us. That is the formula and that is manifest. That success behaviour comes powerfully from the collective mind of a Viking.
Honour, glory and duty are the essential elements taught to military leaders, the masters of warfare. Knowledge of oneself is in the Viking war manual and to know the strength of their abilities. And how to win at all cost. What will does guide ambitious armies and spread the seed. But where does that ambition come from?
The collective mind is a subconscious energy bank that you inherited from your ancestors. In that way those ancestors remain with you and develop us. If one does not follow their call and tries to subdue their direct influence then life is unfulfilling. You may think you can be whoever you want and completely disregard the past but that is salesman talk and not the truth.
Fate is your mistress. The influence of the collective mind tells you how to live and their is pride in conquest if you are a Viking. Then otherwise you experience that uncomfortable individual unease. An unease known only to those of the blood. A Viking must conquer, spread his seed and die with a sword in his hand.
Yesterday, I tried to explain my simple idea about the Viking to a Chinese man. I said how the continual growth through conquest strategy of our people (the west) had manifested the war in Ukraine. The Chinese gentleman had lived in Australia for years. He did not understand and thought I was saying China was a threat to the west.
He explained that Confucius philosophy encouraged the Chinese people to behave in a civil and entirely different manner. They would not send an invasion force to Australia or anywhere else. He added with the exception of its own territory, saying that Tibet, Hong Kong and Taiwan are part of China. But sir, you have to be Viking to understand what I am saying, to understand our dilemma, parts of the world remain unconquered.
He still did not understand. Now is our time, I said (channeling my ancestors). Now we can complete the process, we have no choice but to conquer the world, it is in our blood. He still did not understand and I changed the topic. War is a difficult issue today.
Biomimicry is a growing field of research which I am exploring I said. One learns from nature the most fascinating things. My above comment on the nature of the Viking is just a simple application of what I have learned, about swarm intelligence and the social organisation and its potential.
The collective mind accelerates evolution and in particular amplifies technological progress. Which we need to negate the green premium, what that means is making sustainable industrial growth economic. He wished to live in harmony with nature and considered himself a good person and did not like war. Sustainable lifestyles were the most important he said and felt less anxious about the future.
So in summary, that is my take on our glorious future. Expect in the next few years, continuing war and the reason is simple. It is in our Viking blood, the blood of the western world. That prophecy is unavoidable and it is dangerous to ignore. That fate it was forged long ago by a people’s who were made tough by harsh cold conditions.
Out of this coming time of difficulty will manifest a glorious future. Difficult times will accelerate transformation and establish a negative green premium. Saving the planet and the economy. Difficult times are our friend as they always have been.
More conquests must come now, because the world is unstable. Then when the Viking Empire finally reaches its full potential. The change of the world will come and a peaceful revolution, an offer given to all humanity, holding the technology necessary to thrive, to evolve and become a multi planet species and continue the conquest of the universe. A truely glorious future is before us and it while it will not come easy it will be good.