One cannot take leave forever
There is a man of substance in those old clothes,
As I age, destiny becomes clear,
How foolish what I once swore to become!
This morning I woke and likened myself to Jesus,
Said to myself in those waking moments to love those I despise,
And everyone else on lonely pilgrim road.
At last ambition abandoned, too large to be useful,
Despite middle age flab and bald patch plate,
willing to endure hardships for a green planet,
When the coffin closes the matter settled,
But such aims look too unsettled in fulfilment,
In my latter years – worries for masses of common folk.
Endless suffering for them at storm break,
I have sighs and my gut burns within,
When I offer a way (to green glory) am scorned,
By conservative friend; “I want just old ways –
Unchanging golden days, no storm, fire or pestilence,”
Yet I remain with these times and sing out even more loudly.
It is not that I don’t want to play on the beach,
Dance on the waves, O I remember that serene bliss,
– and see days and months pass,
aloof and idle, But I live in this age of the change
When the glory comes ready,
And one cannot take leave forever.